Saturday, November 28, 2015

GRBL Pinout Arduino Nano v3.0 TUTORIAL

Hello friends , electronic mini slot machines and numerical control (CNC ) supported by Arduino , a contribution here I leave I hope they serve and help them in their development of their inventions.

Step 1: Grbl identification pin on Arduino Nano
 Arduino Nano

 Arduino Nano

This post is believed due to concerns that many have about what the output pins GRBL in Aduino Nano simply are the same that occupies the Arduino Uno but in a different order even the same system to load the GRBL code is the same which deals in the Nano , I leave the files to check if it works , I hope they serve small group helps greetings to all creators and fans of microelectronics.
They attached the following files:

  1. Arduino Nano V3.0 driver Generic
  2. Xloader
  3. Grbl v8.0c code for ATmega328P
  4. Universal Gcode sender

Step 2: Video tutorials to load Grbl in nano

Here I give you a couple of links to video tutorials that teach us perfectly as load Grbl code in the Arduino Nano together with shared in step 1 programs include the video tutorial was made for Arduino Uno but Xloader brings option to load it into our Nano following the same methodology , I hope they serve also leave the video to fill the Gcode sender and manipulate settings if you think our CNC arming future.

Step 3: Feedback
Ok,Thanks for Your kind intention.and enjoy the arduino and give us the feedback

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